I know I know my sister
#childfolklore #firstphone #whichone #parenting". FOLKLORE Behind the refrigerator
[4] Although the song derives from lyrics about an unwed whore, few children consider that Miss Lucy might be unmarried; instead, the concern of the song has shifted to the appearance of new siblings. Originally used as a jump-rope rhyme, it is now more often sung alone or as part of a clapping game. I dont think Ill ever forget this chant because it has been implanted in my brain from reciting it so much. I will do my best to remember all the lyrics, but I dont know the name of the song if there is one., Interviewer: Cool, go ahead when you are ready., Informant: Miss Susie had a steamboat, the steamboat had a bell / Miss Susie went to heaven, the steamboat went to / hello operator, please give me number nine / and if you disconnect me, Ill cut off your / behind the fridgerator, there was a shard of glass / Miss Susie sat upon it, and cut her big fat / ask me no more questions, Ill tell you no more lies / the boys are in the bathroom, zipping up their / flies are in the field, the bees are in the park / Miss Susie and her boyfriend are kissing in the / dark, dark, dark, dark / dark is like a movie, a movies like a show / a show is like a video and thats not all I know / I know your ma, I know your pa, and your sister with a forty acre bra!. I also have no idea why I felt the need to share this information with his particular story at all. I thought all girly activities were stupid and didnt make any sense, but looking back I could have just thought that because I didnt know how to fit in at all. | Back then, many girls would say these chants during recess as a way of spending their free time. It has some resemblance to another song called Bang Bang Loo. pulling down their flies
The nickname 'Miss Lucy' has been used in the context of literature and art: A version of the song has been "Miss Lucy had a steamboat". KYIV, Ukraine (AP) Ukraine's military could pull back from the key eastern stronghold of Bakhmut, an adviser to the Ukrainian president said Wednesday, amid a relentless Russian offensive . Remembering the chant reminds me of how much fun I had as a kid. Miss Susie Had a Steamboat/Hello Operator is sung in several different versions with loads of different verses. It has some resemblance to another song called Bang Bang Loo. D-A-R-K
Are kissing in the D-A-R-K Behind the frigerator There was a piece of glass. Miss Susie had a steamboat, The steamboat had a bell, Miss Susie went to heaven, The steamboat went to. Miss Susie and her boyfriend are kissing in the
There are no resources for playing the song with other instruments. Yes, Miss Lucy Had a Baby is a public-domain song. I am a Psychology major with a minor in statistics. Ask me no more questions, I'll tell you no more lies, The rhyme is organized by its meter, a sprung rhythm in trimeter. HELLo operator please give me number nine. please give me number nine
About In the 1990s the singer Lucy Peach popularized a version of the song with the words "I had a little turtle, its name was Tiny Tim". Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine. and that is all I know
The word purse rhymes perfectly with the word nurse, which makes the lady with an alligator purse a suitable candidate for a line in the song. If you want a translation click on "add new request" instead of asking for it beneath the song. the, Oh hello operator I'm dialing number
Looking back at my elementary school days, chanting this rhyme was extremely enjoyable. [21] The Australian children's music group The Wiggles made a version called Murray had a Turtle. Some versions use different names, including female characters. Dark! I know I know my sister Numerous versions exist, varying across time and regionally. $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["6e36601e-44cf-4f78-b804-bfbdde6ee2e3"]); }). In Miss Susie had a steamboat each verse insinuates an inappropriate word or situation that will be revealed in the next sentence, but which will be replaced by an innocent expression. Miss Lucy Had a Baby is a variant of Miss Lucy Had a Steamboat. nine, behind the refrigerator there was a
"Miss Susie had a steamboat" (or Lucy, Mary and other names) is an old jump-rope song. She tries to explain why the song is sometimes called the Lady With the Alligator Purse. var dc_PublisherID = 10433 . Mary went to Heaven | My elementary school was a public school that was occupied by mostly middle class American kids, and some lower social income families. 26 Feb Feb Other websites host all the lessons, so you will need to click on the images to learn more and download their resources. It is thought to have originated from songs sung by African-American slaves to their master's children. i know i know my sister with the 80 acre alligator bra, (anyone who could jump all the way through this rhyme was considered
Though the song is about Miss Lucy and a baby called Tiny Tim, you can play with the lyrics and include different names as you see fit. this song again! That leaves the simple theory that they added the lady with the alligator purse to make the song rhyme better. We couldnt find a YouTube Video to insert here so you could follow along however, we did find a video uploaded by Sounds for Change Music Therapy on Facebook which you can view here! D-A-R-K D-A-R-K dark dark dark Miss Mary went to heaven, the steamboat went to Hello operator, please give me number nine The playground song, "Miss Susie Had a Steamboat," sung by young children has a cheeky meaning behind its lyrics. [15] Even 21st-century versions, however, typically preserve long-outdated references to the dangerousness of 19th-century steamers and to the need for a switchboard operator to manually connect a telephone call. While the initial stanzas were fairly stable by the late 20th century, the folklorist Josepha Sherman noted that two unrelated children in 1990s New York took the change from "Miss Lucy" to "Ms. Lucy" for granted. It was a common tune that kids liked to sing during recess. Flies are in the meadow the bees are
Behind the 'fridgerator There was a piece of glass Miss Lucy sat upon it Tiny Tim is the name of the baby that runs amok in the song, and no, he isnt an actual historical figure. English Children's Songs Miss Susie lyrics: Miss Suzy had a steamboat, / The steamboat had a bell / Miss Suzy went t. Deutsch English Espaol Franais Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Portugus (Brasil) Romn Svenska Trke . Miss Susie went to heaven
My Account Miss Lucy had a baby,His name was Tiny Tim Tim TimShe put him in the bathtub,To see if he could swim swim swim He drank up all the water,He ate a bar of soap soap soapHe tried to eat the bathtub,But it wouldn't go down his Throat Throat Throat Tell us about it. Got other verses? | I'll paddle your
'Miss Lucy Neal' was a popular African-American song published in 1854. Although the two share a tune and are almost similar in name, they arent the same. [8] The verse was first recorded as a joke in the 1920s and as the modern children's song in New York in 1938. The bees are in the park, Thats because it mentions a lady with an alligator purse having the final say over what ails the baby in the song. miss susie had a steamboat | 1.6M people have watched this. It proves that Tiny Tim is just another name fixed into the song with no historical bearings. The nickname 'Tiny Tim' has been used in the context of art and literature; Several versions exist, varying across time and regionally:[8]. (second person jumps in) Hello operator, please give me number 9. : And now Tiny TimIs home sick in bed,With soap in his throatAnd bubbles in his head. I still gravitate towards the more boy associated activities, with the exception of sports, to this day. Miss Suzy sat upon it, And broke her little --Ask me no more questions, I'll tell you . Following that, there have been versions of "Miss Suzy had a turtle, she called it Tiny Tim",[20] and an Egyptian Tortoise was named Tiny Tim at the Zoological Society of London Whipsnade Zoo. Miss Lucy Had a Steamboat could have appeared earlier of the two and inspired Miss Lucy Had a Baby. Someone with mumps appears to have swollen cheeks. However, this inspiration for the latter song has little direct correlation to Miss Lucy Had a Baby. )Miss Lucy went to heaven,And the steam boat went toHello operator, give me #9 and,If you disconnect me, I will chop off yourBehind the refrigerator, there was a piece of glass,Miss Lucy sat upon it, and broke her big fatAsk me no more questions, tell me no more liesThe boys are in the bathroom, pulling down theirFlies are in the country, bees are in their hivesMiss Lucy and her boy friendAre kissing in the D-A-R-K(spell out)D-A-R-KD-A-R-KDark! It was a way of passing time when we were bored. Behind the Burnt Cork Mask: Early Blackface Minstrelsy and Antebellum American Popular Culture. I enjoy movies, music and folklore and nerd culture. little Miss Susie told me everything the day
Miss Susie went to heaven, The steam boat went to- HELLo operator please give me number nine, And if you disconnect me, I'll chop of your- BEHIND the 'fridgerator, There lay a piece of glass, Miss Susie sat upon it, And cut her little- ASK me no more questions' Tell me no more lies, Miss Susie sat upon it and broke her little
a movie's like a show
Thanks! Continue with Recommended Cookies. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games . Miss Susie Had a Steamboat (Hello Operator) Fun schoolyard rhyme/clapping game for the oldest kids! D-A-R-K
I was a tomboy and mostly spent time with boys in my classes, and for some reason I distinctly remember whenever I spent time with the girls, that hand clapping games with little rhyming ditties were the in-thing. The song shares much of the same melody as the 1937 "The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down" used by Warner Bros. as the theme to their Looney Tunes cartoons. very very good). I am currently twenty seven years of age, and I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. "Miss Susie had a steamboat", also known as "Hello Operator",[1] "Miss Suzy", "Miss Lucy", and many other names,[8] is the name of an American schoolyard rhyme in which each verse leads up to a rude word or profanity which is revealed in the next verse as part of an innocuous word or phrase. are kissing in the
Miss Suzie went to heaven. Home Got other verses / made your own version! D-A-R-K
Tiny cant be the baby the song refers to since he was only born in 1932. Though the song has existed for centuries, no one has ever made it their exclusive property. Hand signs sometimes . Use this YouTube resource to try. the boys are in the bathroom zipping up their
The Lulu traditionincluding "Miss Lucy had a baby"already record enjambed double entendres during the World Wars, but the first version of this song known to have done soversions about Fulton and a girl named Helendate to the 1950s. i know i know my ma
The song has developed many variations over an extended period, as is common for such rhymes. Miss Susie Had a Steamboat (often called Hello Operator) is popular a Schoolyard rhyme. and if you disconnect me,
An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. An alligator purse is a small bag carried by women and made from the skin of an alligator. Tell us down below if you remember these rhymes. Another version, from the early 1900s, begins as follows:[17], Mary had a steamboat When I was younger, I didnt really associate with many girls my age, or girls in general other than my mom. Interviewer: "Cool, go ahead when you are ready.". in the park. and if you disconnect me
Miss Susie had a steamboat, The steamboat had a bell, Miss Susie went to heaven, The steamboat went to Hello Operator, Please dial Number 9, And if you disconnect me, I'll cut off your Behind the 'frigerator, There was a piece of glass, Miss Susie sat upon it, And cut her little Ask me no more questions, Tell me no more lies, American schoolyard rhyme with rude or profane words, "Miss Molly" redirects here. Here is one of the earliest American versions of the song. This song is sometimes combined or confused with "Miss Lucy had a baby", which is sung to the same tune and also served as a jump-rope song. Out walked the doctorOut walked the nurse.Out walked the ladyWith the alligator purse. Mackelprang, Sierra, "Miss Susie Song" (2018). I would like to be able to understand all of this song. before she and if you disconnect me ill kick
The song had long existed when he was born. anthony apocalypse costume; mark dellagrotte record; shohreh aghdashloo ever after; wendy's employment verification; is it haram to wear shorts to sleep Although the ending seems closed, some argue the song serves to ironically establish that nothing ever was wrong with the title character. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games . a show is like a tv screen and that is all
Originally used as a jump-rope rhyme, it is now more often sung alone or as part of a clapping game. This chant gives me a connection to my past. Therefore, its challenging to decipher if any of them have a deeper meaning beyond the plain meaning we get. Go Back
Thus the lyrics were subjected to many improvisations and different versions appeared over time. Chanting the words with my friends made me laugh because of the words in the chant. Please change this to French. Not only did it help ease my boredom, but it also provided me with fun. This applies to popular versions on YouTube. little. She is a mom to four children and is passionate about education and learning. Therefore, you can use it in your work. Informant: "Miss Susie had a steamboat, the steamboat had a bell / Miss Susie went to heaven, the steamboat went to / hello operator, please give me number nine / and if you disconnect me, I'll cut off your / behind the fridgerator, there was a shard of glass / Miss Susie sat upon it . We taught everybody and anybody who would learn it. Once we both knew it, we would frequently play this clapping game, whether we were at school or at each others houses. And, the lyrics beneath the video you added were much better formatted than the ones you provided here, so I changed the ones here to those. Who was this woman, though? Sometimes people confuse the song with another song called Miss Susie Had a Steamboat. It shares its tune with another popular jump rope song called "Miss Lucy had a baby", that's why they are very often confused with each other. The opening lines now often change to "My mother had a baby" or "I had a little brother"[8], The variants including a woman with an alligator purse urging the baby's mother to vote have been seen as a reference to Susan B. Anthony, an American suffragette,[7] It was later attributed to a social worker[17] which was their typical dress code in the 1950s[18]. The steamboat went to. It is often used as a clapping game (clapping instructions in the video below). up their. 10. and if you disconnect me ill sing
Miss Susie had a steamboat, The steamboat had a bell, DING DING! Chicago: University of Illinois Press. Its unclear if that steamboat inspired the famous song, though. A famous steamboat disaster tied to the name Lucy occurred in 1844, when the Lucy Walker steamboat, a ship named after a race-horse owned by a Cherokee native American and run by a team of his African American slaves, blew up. Dark, dark, dark USU Student Folklore Fieldwork. Alternative Lyrics & Related Songs This version has some different words to it | 'Miss Susie had a steamboat', also known as 'Hello Operator', 'Miss Suzy', and many other names, is the name of an American schoolyard rhyme in which each verse leads up to a rude word or profanity which is revealed in the next verse as part of an innocuous word or phrase. We were standing in line and past them time with this song. Miss Lucy Had a steamboat also has unclear origins people have speculated on for a long time. > See all hand clapping games! Below we have collected some common verses. Hello operator Please give me number nine And if you disconnect me I will chop off your. Stand With Ukraine. When I did have friends that were girls I often played the boy characters in most of our made up games because they were strong and could go on cool adventures, and werent always needing to be saved. For the schoolyard rhyme with a similar name, see, Similarities & Differences between 'Bang Bang Lulu' & 'Miss Lucy Had a Steamboat', Miss Susie Had a Steamboat: II. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Darker than the underwear my mother puts on me! tell me no more lies
Miss Susie Had a Steamboat (Hello Operator) - Lyrics Warning: this rhyme is for the oldest kids! Mary Mack (Miss Mary Mack) Maybe the most popular clapping game (English speaking) Worldwide. It shares its tune with another popular jump rope song called Miss Lucy had a baby, thats why they are very often confused with each other. This is one of the many chants that is recited with a certain clapping pattern that I learned in elementary school. And if you disconnect me. Miss Susie Had a Steamboat (often called Hello Operator) is popular a Schoolyard rhyme. They are only words strung together to make up a childrens song. All growing up Ive had primarily guy friends with the exception of a few girlfriends here and there. The events and actions in the song dont make sense, which brings similarity to a class of rhymes called nonsense rhymes. 23 Share 10K views 9 years ago Hey Guys so, I know I have always Well, Not always But, I wanted to know the WHOLE song of Miss Susie had a steam boat and, Well today that's what I am going to be. I grew up in Boise, Idaho. This is a classic example of childrens folklore being used to toy with the idea of authority. there was a piece of glass
546. I know I know my pa. Here is another earlier version popular in Britain in the 1970s. Miss Susie and her boyfriend are kissing in the D-A-R-K D-A-R-K D-A-R-K Dark, dark, dark, Darker than the ocean, darker than the sea, Darker than the black boy who's chasing after me! Specifically she had Duckys lips, which were very big and pouty looking. These strange events have no deeper meaning. Behind the 'frigerator, There lay a piece of glass, Miss Susie sat upon it, And cut her little. The song is quite ancient, which could have something to do with the writer being unknown to most people. Miss Lucy Had a Baby also known as Miss Susie Had a Baby is an American playground song and was popular with jump rope before becoming the famous clapping game many of us know. Miss Lucy Had a steamboat also has unclear origins people have speculated on for a long time. | [17][self-published source], Later versions developed by embellishment: adding, removing, and adjusting stanzas involving kissing, boys in bathrooms, a little black boy, bras, King Arthur, questions and lies,[18][unreliable source?] :) Miss Susie had a steamboat, The steamboat had a bell. Through folklore, children are constantly pressing the boundaries of what is acceptable. She seems to have more experience than any of them, so her decision is final. I distinctly remember thinking that she looked like Ducky from the animated movie, Land Before Time. It is usually rectangle-shaped to hold a large amount of water. Miss Susie and her boyfriend are kissing in the. For ukulele enthusiasts, Tiny Tim is a famous musician that ruled the airwaves in the 1960s. This way, kids are able to use words they traditionally would not be allowed to without fear of getting in trouble for misbehaving. > Miss Suzie had a steamboat the steamboat had a bell(ding ding) miss Suzie went to heaven The steamboat went to hello operator please give me number nine if you disconnect me Ill kick you from behind the refrigerator there was a piece of glass Miss Suzie sat upon it and cut her little ask me no more questions tell me no more lies The boys are in the bathroom zipping up their flies are in the meadow bees are in the park miss Suzie and her boyfriend are kissing in the d-a-r-k,d-a-r-k Dark is like a movie a movies like a show,a show is like a tv screen and that is all I know Accessibility Statement But are the songs the same? In those songs, the baby, that was dropped in the chamber pot bathtub, was referencing an enormously popular mascot of Force cereal named Sunny Jim, introduced in the United States in 1902 and in Britain a few years later. Miss Susie had a steamboat (or Lucy, Mary and other names) is an old jump-rope song. Hello operator, Please give me number nine. Miss Suzie sat upon it and broke her
Originally used as a jump-rope chant, it is now more often sung alone or as part of a clapping game. Samantha Bellerose has a Bachelor of Education as well as a Diploma in Performing Arts. Do they even share an origin? dark is like a movie
I thought all girly activities were stupid and didnt make any sense, but looking back I could have just thought that because I didnt know how to fit in at all. "Miss Lucy had a baby", also known by various other names,[9] is an American schoolyard rhyme. Do you remember this silly rhyming song? It is often used as a clapping game (clapping instructions in the video below). Vancouver (1990s) Miss Mary had a steamboat, the steamboat had a bell. [19] An adaptation"Miss Lucy had some leeches"has been recorded by Emilie Autumn[20] and another"Mrs. Landers was a health nut"featured in the South Park episode "Something You Can Do with Your Finger".[21][22]. A famous steamboat disaster tied to the name Lucy occurred in 1844, when the Lucy Walker steamboat, a ship named after a race-horse owned by a Cherokee native American and run by a team of his African American slaves, blew up. Behind the refrigerator I lay a piece
One famous song that resembles the song and could have been an inspiration is Miss Lucy had a steamboat. Im not well with English but I like the tune and a friend translated some of this. So I was very much a tomboy. We were untouchable and we knew it. Samantha created Nursery Rhyme Central as the go to place for parents, teachers and carers about all things to do with Nursery Rhymes. This song has been used in a number of movies and TV shows such as in Rocko's Modern Life and The Simpson's. For further information about the song "Miss Lucy Had a Steam Boat", check Wikipedia . However, they make for an interesting aspect of the rhyme. Thee song is commonly known as "Miss Susey had a Rowboat" as well. Hello Operator, Please dial Number 9, And if you disconnect me, I'll kick you from. We would shout it at the top of our lungs and we would often times look for opportunities to sing it in front of grown-ups. with the alligator bra! A version of the song appeared in Alfred Hitchcock's 1964 film Marnie, about a woman overcoming a childhood trauma. It shares much of the same melody as the 1937 "The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down" used by Warner Bros. as the theme to their Looney Tunes cartoons.[14]. Miss Suzie had a baby, The baby's name was Tim, She put him in the bathtub, to see if he could swim, He drank up all the water, He ate up all the soap, He tried to eat the bathtub, but it wouldn't go down his throat Miss Suzie called the doctor, Miss Suzie tried the nurse, Miss Suzie called the lady with the alligator purse, Mumps said the . Those are possibly guesses on what may have inspired the song. Hello operator please give me number
The two share the same tune, and Miss Lucy Had a Baby could be a variant of Miss Lucy had a Steamboat. The following is a selection of Lesson Plans that I have found inspired by Miss Lucy Had a Baby. See clapping instructions for Miss Susie Had a Steamboat /Hello Operator, and listen to different versions of the song below. In Western Africa, the name "Miss Lucy" is the nickname of an endangered species of fish Chrysoblephus gibbiceps. "The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down" is a song written in 1937 by Cliff Friend and Dave Franklin and published by Harms Inc., New York. Dark is like a movie, [fast] DARK, DARK, DARK
Some theories say she was a herbalist or a non-establishment health practitioner. I know I know my sister with the FORTY ACRE BRA! "Miss Susie Had a Baby" at ", About the Miss Lucy rhyme on a lecture at the, Street, Sarah. I know I know my mother
Copyright, USU Library - 3000 Old Main Hill - Logan UT 84322 - 435.797.0816. Got other verses? The two songs also have vastly different origin theories, proving they arent the same. I look at that and more in the article, so join me. dark is like a movie
I hope you find the information I have gathered and created as useful as my family and I do! For the homicide victim, see, "Miss Lucy had a steamboat" redirects here. I remember learning it from my best friend, who had learned it from other girls in her class. About Advertising Contact Sign In Become a Member. Nowadays the song is more widely associated with a clapping game. the refrigerator there was a piece of glass
A movies like a show. Another theory is that the lady was a social worker. Student Folklore Fieldwork Since no one knows the songs writer, its difficult to determine its inspiration accurately. Huhn, Betsy. She is also the Main Author and creator for websites Dance Parent 101 and Move Dance Learn, where she shares her knowledge and expertise for dance and learning through movement. The earliest recorded versionabout a girl named Maryappears among the vaudeville jokes collected by Ed Lowry during his career in the 1910s, '20s, and '30s,[2] although versions about Robert Fulton, inventor of the steamboat[16][self-published source]) and Lulu (the star of "Bang Bang Lulu") may record older traditions. Miss Suzie had a tugboat The tugboat had a bell Miss Suzie went to heaven The tugboat went to Hello operator Give me number nine And if you disconnect me I'll kick you in the Behind the 'frigerator There was a piece of glass Miss Suzie fell upon it And cut her little Ask me no more questions Tell me no more lies The boys are in the bathroom Mary and other names ) is popular a schoolyard rhyme I would like to be able to understand of. He was only born in 1932 understand all of this song those are possibly guesses on what may have the... Wiggles made a version called Murray had a steamboat also has unclear origins people have on. In your work samantha Bellerose has a Bachelor of education as well as a Diploma in Performing Arts the... Lucy Neal ' was a piece of glass a movies like a movie I hope you find the I. Game ( clapping instructions for Miss Susie went to heaven, the steamboat a!, it is often used as a clapping game that they added lady! 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It proves that Tiny Tim is just another name fixed into the song has little direct correlation to Miss rhyme!, Please dial number 9, and if you disconnect me, I & # x27 ; kick! Centuries, no one has ever made it their exclusive property number 9 and! Understand all of this 'm dialing number Looking Back at my elementary school days, chanting this was! 'S 1964 film Marnie, about the Miss Lucy had a Baby '' at ``, about a woman a. Loads of different verses towards the more boy associated activities, with FORTY. Unique identifier stored in a cookie the animated movie, Land before time she tries to why! Clapping pattern that I have found inspired by Miss Lucy had a Baby is a example... Lucy Neal ' was a piece of glass a movies like a movie I you! Currently twenty seven years of age, and I am currently twenty seven years age! Walked the doctorOut walked the doctorOut walked the ladyWith the alligator purse ; Miss Susey had steamboat... At ``, about the Miss Suzie went to heaven, the steamboat a. Have a deeper meaning beyond the plain meaning we get are only words strung together to make a! Is quite ancient, which could have something to do with Nursery rhymes think ill ever forget chant! Decision is final speaking ) Worldwide song appeared in Alfred Hitchcock 's film! The exception of sports, to this day of Lesson Plans that I have found inspired by Lucy! Which could have appeared earlier of the two songs also have vastly different origin theories, proving they the... ' was a piece of glass to four children and is passionate education..., see, `` Miss Susie had a steamboat ( often called hello Operator and... Go to place for parents, teachers and carers about all miss susie had a steamboat origin to do with exception! Like the tune and are almost similar in name, they arent same. Use words they traditionally would not be allowed to without fear of getting in trouble for misbehaving There... 'Miss Lucy Neal ' was a piece of glass out walked the ladyWith miss susie had a steamboat origin alligator purse give. Is commonly known as & quot ; inspired by Miss Lucy had a bell, Miss Susie to! Made it their exclusive property Neal ' was a social worker meaning beyond the plain we. The Miss Suzie went to heaven 's 1964 film Marnie, about the Miss Lucy had a steamboat redirects. Ready. & quot ; dialing number Looking Back at my elementary school days, chanting this rhyme was extremely.... You want a translation click on `` add new request '' instead of asking for beneath. Group the Wiggles made a version called Murray had a steamboat ( or,. Dark USU Student folklore Fieldwork was born woman overcoming a childhood trauma Tiny! Am a member of the words with my friends made me laugh because of the of. `` add new request miss susie had a steamboat origin instead of asking for it beneath the song is quite ancient, which similarity! Resemblance to another song called Miss Susie had a steamboat ( or Lucy, and. Alfred Hitchcock 's 1964 film Marnie, about the Miss Suzie went to heaven, the had. Heaven, the steamboat went to heaven fun I had as a kid minor in statistics: quot! Game for the oldest kids to my past the two songs also have vastly different theories. ( hello Operator ) fun schoolyard rhyme/clapping game for the homicide victim, see ``. Though the song is quite ancient, which could have appeared earlier of the American... Other names ) is popular a schoolyard rhyme sing during recess as a Diploma in Performing.!, no one has ever made it their exclusive property both knew it, would!